Management System Policy
Invictus d.o.o. carries ADR and other goods by road both locally and internationally, which services meet all agreed customer requirements and thus ensure efficiency and long-term increase in profitability. Management is responsible for establishing, maintaining and implementing an integrated quality management, environmental management and health and safety management system in all aspects of business. Management provides an example which demonstrates that quality is the goal of all stakeholders in the organization, while trainings ensure that each employee and contractor understands the importance of the integrated management system and its direct impact on Invictus’s business.
Each employee is responsible for satisfying the requirements specific to the duties that are assigned to him and for which he is trained. Management ensures that contractors and subcontractors meet the relevant requirements and take responsibility for their services.
Ongoing investments in modern technologies, material resources and employee training in accordance with the relevant industry practices, legislation and international standards ensure that our business is properly supervised and improved, as well as satisfaction of all parties involved, including customers, shareholders, employees, partners and contractors, but also allow constant improvement of the integrated management system.
As a transport company, Invictus is highly committed to ensuring workplace safety and health, as well as environmental protection.
The management system policy is designed for achieving customers’ satisfaction with service quality, employee satisfaction, care for health and safety and optimal role assignment, shareholders’ satisfaction through market position reinforcement and ensuring sound performance, and social community’s satisfaction through environmental care and sustainable development.
The quality of the management system is ensured, implemented and controlled in each position, all employees and contractors are required to help improve quality, and this Policy is implemented by Invictus’s management and employees by carefully planning and attaining targets.
Čazma, 15 March 2017
Boris Todorov